Aluminium Welding Specialists
To help you achieve consistently high-quality results in aluminium welding, we’ve compiled the top five critical aspects that, we as a leading specialist, focus on.

Fabricating Armoured Steel in Military, Security & Policing Vehicles
Universal Fabrications is the Armoured Enclosures, Cabs and Chassis Specialist supporting the manufacture of parts and complex metal assemblies for over 15 years.

Sheet Metal Fabrication Company secures JOSCAR Accreditation
Universal Fabrications achieves Approved Supplier Status for the Aerospace, Defence and Security Sectors. In this article, we explain why we have become an Approved Supplier and how our customers can benefit from our Accreditation.

Advantages of Laser Welding in Sheet Metal Fabrications
As one of the few leading sheet metal fabrication companies to offer laser welding, we explain why it should seriously be considered for fabrication projects.

Top 5 Things to Insist on Prior to Subcontracting to a Metal Fabricator
Here are the top 5 things that will help give you peace of mind when ordering Metal Fabricated Parts and Assemblies. You may be surprised to learn it’s not all about the welding machinery they have!!

Top 5 Things to Insist on Prior to Subcontracting Precision Machining
Learn the top 5 things that will help give you peace of mind when ordering subcontracted turned and milled parts.

Robotic Welding Explained
The top 5 benefits of Robotic Welding and the industries which rely on this welding method for high production operations.

What is TIG Welding?
Learn about the TIG Welding process including the top 5 benefits of TIG Welding, its limitations and equipment required.

What is MIG Welding?
This article explains the process of Mig Welding including the top 4 benefits, its limitations and equipment required.

Understanding Sheet Metal Fabrication and Its Processes
This article explores the fundamentals of sheet metal fabrication including primary processes and applications across industries.